Industrial Air Compressors: Three Practical Tips for Preventing Malfunctions

The failure of your industrial air compressor can cause a lot of inconvenience in your operations. In simple terms, if the unit malfunctions, you will experience significant downtime, and you might even suffer some financial losses due to decreased production. Also, the failure of the equipment will necessitate repairs or replacement, leading to increased costs in your business. Fortunately, most malfunctions can be prevented through maintaining your pneumatic system and avoiding common operational mistakes. Here are simple tips on keeping your Kaeser air compressor in ideal condition.

Replace the Air Filters

You should not leave an old air filter in your air compressor system for too long. In general, this component is installed to help in eliminating contaminants which would otherwise flow into the unit and cause internal damage. However, if the filter is not changed often, it will become clogged by debris. As a result, the compressor system will have to work harder to draw in sufficient air for operating pneumatic equipment and tools. Therefore, you should check on the recommended intervals for changing the filters. In addition, you must remember to clean out the air vents.

Check for Hose Damage

You should inspect the hoses connected to your air compressor as often as possible. Hoses are critical components in the system, but they are considerably delicate in comparison to other elements. Simply speaking, most hoses are manufactured using rubberised compounds. Therefore, mechanical pressure, heat and contaminants can cause cracking and perforations. If a damaged hose is left in the compressor assembly, some malfunctions might occur due to the continuous loss of air. In addition, the faulty hoses will not supply sufficient air for the operation of pneumatic tools. If you discover cracking or other forms of damage on your hoses, you should commission immediate replacement.

Drain Accumulated Moisture

The air drawn into industrial compressors contains some amount of moisture in gaseous or vapour form. This moisture will be condensed and collected in the receiver tank of your system due to the compression of air. You should not allow the condensed water to build up in your tank for too long. Instead, you should drain the moisture from the tank through the installed valve. Leaving the condensate in the tank for too long will promote the degradation of the container and attached metal components. Over time, the structure could fail, necessitating costly repairs or system replacement.

Finally, you should remember to check the compressor oil levels and change the fluid as required for optimal operation.
