Practical Tips for Moving Your Mobile Scaffolding

If you are looking for a convenient elevated access system for your construction project, you should think about choosing mobile scaffolding. This type of platform is favourable because it offers the strength, versatility and stability of a traditional scaffold. However, unlike a regular tower scaffold, the mobile alternative can be moved from one position to another on the worksite.

This characteristic reduces the amount of setup required when working at height in different parts of the workspace. Unfortunately, the mobility of the equipment can present some hazards during relocation to another space. Therefore, if you do hire a mobile scaffold for your work, you should use the outlined tips to ensure safety when moving the access platform.

Inspect the Scaffold

You should check on the condition of the mobile scaffolding system before moving it from its position. If the equipment is damaged, it could break down due to sudden movement. You should make sure that the castor wheels are properly fitted beneath the system, and they should be free of significant anomalies. The frames should be attached and secured. Looseness in the connections should be resolved before proceeding with the relocation.

Clear the Scaffold

It is not advisable to move the mobile scaffold while building materials, tools and people are on the access system. Moving your essential supplies on the scaffold can seem like a convenient and clever solution. However, the potential danger is quite high. If the platform is upset during the relocation, the heavy items on the scaffold could fall off and cause injuries to workers and other people on the site. Therefore, you must check and clear the system before moving.

Check for Obstructions

You should examine your worksite and make certain that there are no obstructions around before moving your mobile scaffold. If there are obstacles, you should eliminate them to prevent accidents on your construction space. You should check the ground and remove tools, building debris and electrical equipment and cords. These bumps can cause the platform to topple. You should also take note of overhead dangers. Obstructions such as electrical lines can cause unpleasant incidents after contact with the scaffolding.

Consider the Weather

You should avoid moving your hired mobile scaffold in adverse weather conditions. Bad weather can cause a decline in stability of the access system, and an accident could occur due to the imbalance. For example, you should not plan for relocation on a windy day. Strong winds can cause the scaffold to sway and topple. Also, you should avoid moving the system along slippery surfaces.

Contact a scaffolding hire company to learn more.
